Mindfulness in Education

Here  is a summary of how to use mindfulness in the classroom and the benefits of this technique:

How would you like to teach your students a simple technique that improves their ability to learn and also makes them nicer people?

Mindfulness is a practical way to train your brain and make it more effective.  Mindfulness in the classroom leads to better student engagement, more focus on set work and positive relationships between students.  Even better, the effects of mindfulness training have a flow-on effect to a student’s life outside of school and can help their home life be much happier too.

Today’s students have constant access to social media; their lives are filled with TV and video games.  They are constantly stimulated, their brains never get a chance to rest.  The effect of this is to make the brain hyper-aroused and unable to concentrate.  It can also lead to anxiety, further hampering their learning.

Mindfulness helps students regain their focus, it calms them down and creates a good feeling in the classroom.   The techniques are quite simple and, even better, they are free. So, what are they?

There are three key mindfulness techniques that you can use to start each class.  There is an additional technique that you can use once the class is underway.

First of all you want your students to focus on a single point.  You can draw a smiley face on the board or the students can bring a concentration object.  In silence they have to focus on the smiley face for one minute.  Before starting it is helpful to explain to them that their mind will wander.  These thoughts are called intrusions and they are perfectly natural.  As the intrusions come they can notice them, allow them to fall away and return to focus on the point.

After one minute you tell them to ‘Turn over’.  This begins the second stage, focusing on their breath.  Our bodies naturally carry tension in different places.  On each outbreath the student should consciously relax a part of the body that feels tense.  Again this is to be done in silence.

The third stage before your start your lesson is about gratitude.  Ask your students to write in their diary in the back of their book three things for which they are grateful.  Ask them to think about these things for another minute in silence.

Now you can start your lesson.  You will find your students are very focused so make sure you can get into meaningful work quite quickly.

Once the class is working you can introduce the 4th element of mindfulness in the classroom.  Tell the students that they are to work by themselves with no talking to others for five minutes.  The only person they can talk to is the teacher.  They must raise their hand and only talk in a quiet voice when you are next to them.  You may find that this naturally extends to 10 or 15 minutes.

That’s it.  Quite simple really isn’t it?  By using mindfulness in your classroom you will notice great benefits to your teaching and in your students’ lives.  Go for it!

Healing With The Masters

Jennifer McLean has put together a terrific series of talks with experts from all kinds of fields sharing their knowledge and gifts.

You can listen to the speakers for free up to 48 hours after the presentation or buy the series package to get all the recordings.

I have gained real insights from speakers such as Don Miguel Ruiz, author of ‘The 4 agreements’ and Neale Donald Walsch, author of the “Conversations With God’ series and I am looking forward to the rest of the series.

Click here to access the series for free:


Enter the password ‘healing’

What I enjoyed most about Don Miguel Ruiz’s explanation of the 4 agreements was the way it simplified life down to a few basic precepts.  Here they are with a little explanation:

agreement 1

Be impeccable with your word – Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

agreement 2

Don’t take anything personally – Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

agreement 3

Don’t make assumptions – Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

agreement 4

Always do your best – Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

I especially like agreement 2.  It has really helped me stay present when people have been in very emotional states around me.

There are many more inspiring speakers lined up so I recommend you check out Healing With The Masters now:


Go Big Coaching Program

Kristen Howe is an example of someone who has turned her life around by making one little change each day.  She is currently offering a 40% reduction on her program.  Click here to get a free guide which shows you how to attract money, health and happiness into your life:


Welcome to Olive Tree Health

Bushwalking in Queensland’s Scenic Rim

Hi, my name is Olivier Maxted and I am the founder of Olive Tree Health.

My aim is to serve the community in 3 ways:

  •  in-depth investigation of alternative health remedies
  •  sharing thinking strategies to maximise your potential
  • channeling Reiki healing to help individual healing

I am based in Brisbane, Australia and I work closely with local community groups to raise awareness of health issues and to support organisations that encourage local organic producers.